Alumni Spotlight: Kempton McCarty
Kempton McCarty (KC graduating class of 2013) attends Castilleja School in Palo Alto. In 2016 she created a website that was chosen by Castilleja to represent their school in the Individual Jr. Website Division at the County level for National History Day. At county, her project was then awarded top honors and went on to compete at the California State Competition in Sacramento. She competed against a pool of nearly 40 other students in her division and made it to the semifinals round of the top eight in the state of California! Her website was also awarded a very prestigious award, The Elizabeth Avery Award for Social Justice!
Kempton continued her work on a group project with four schoolmates, designing an iPhone app called “Ripple” for the Technovation Challenge. It was coded using Swift, a new coding language created by Apple for developing iOS apps. Kempton was co-lead of the Technovation Club this year and the primary source for the business plan development. In May 2017, Castilleja’s Technovation Challenge Team, CastiGators, competed in the semifinals against eight other teams at Apple headquarters in Cupertino to win the South Bay Regional Pitch Event for the “Ripple” app. The CastiGators now advance to the finals round for a chance to attend the World Pitch Event in August 2017! “Ripple” provides under-resourced young women around the world with a virtual platform to crowdfund their educational goals in order to be a positive impact on the world around them.
This summer, Kempton was invited to attend an iOS Bootcamp at Stanford. Over the course of the week she developed/coded four iOS applications using Swift, while gaining more coding experience from Stanford Doctoral School graduates.
Kempton’s Mom, Kim, said that “Kempton always says she found her passion for coding and writing at Kids Connection. I know just how instrumental KC was in all her future successes. She has impeccable character, strives for academic excellence, and is a creative, fun loving young lady!”
We are so proud of all that she is accomplishing and the future leader she is becoming. We are so honored to have been part of her journey and we look forward to Kempton’s many accomplishments in the future. Congratulations Kempton!