Join the Kids Connection Coyote Pack – an extended day program packed with fun and learning!
In the KC Coyote Pack, we provide a joyful and safe experience for students to explore their curiosity and discover their passions. From outdoor play to structured STEAM Station activities, our kids have a blast building community and challenging their minds.
- We welcome students Kindergarten – 5th grade
- A Guaranteed Spot for all Kids Connection Students!
- Convenient hours:
- AM: 7:00 to 8:00
- PM: Dismissal until 6:00
- STEAM Activities & Outdoor play time daily
- Snack included for all students daily
- Homework time included!
The Coyote Pack Program is an affordable and convenient option for your pre/post-school childcare needs!
- Monthly tuition – no year long contracts required!
- Flexible Schedule: Options for 3, 4 or 5 days per week of programming.
- AM & PM care included in the price for the program!
- Pricing details are in our Tuition/Fees section.
After School Program for Non-Kids Connection Students
- Kids Connection has a limited number of spots available for outside students! We also offer pick up from Audubon Elementary.
- Please complete the Contact Us form online or email our Ext. Day Director at or call the Elementary School for details (650-578-6691).
Additional Coyote Pack Offerings
KC Studio: Enrichment Workshops
Each season, Kids Connection offers a variety of Enrichment Workshops to enhance your student’s learning experience! These offerings are part of our KC Studio. It’s the perfect opportunity for your child to discover a new passion or continue building on a skill they love already!
Discover more about our KC Studio Workshops here.
Friday Fun Night
Hey Kids! Join us monthly for a spectacular, joy-filled Friday Fun Night! Bring your sleeping bag, pillow, and a BIG appetite for some after dark fun. Enjoy a pizza dinner, participate in exciting activities, then relax with a movie and popcorn in your sleeping bags. These nights families can enjoy some downtime at home, and leave the childcare to the wonderful Kids Connection Team.
- Date: Last Friday of every month (Sept – May)
- Time: 6-9pm
- What’s included: Pizza Dinner, engaging themed activities, and a family friendly movie special feature! Activities and movie selection rotate monthly.
When the school day ends, students enrolled in the After School Program transition directly into their schedule of activities. Parents may pick up their child at the sign-out lobby at any time in the afternoon. Please make sure that you sign your child out at the kiosk. Children are to be picked up by or before 6:00pm (3:00pm for early dismissal Kindergarteners). If your child is not picked up by 6:00pm, you will be charged $1.00 for every minute past 6:00pm that you are late picking up your child.
The After School Program is provided for an additional fee over tuition. Fees for these programs are paid on a monthly basis and are incorporated along with the tuition payment. Students can participate in these programs as best fits their needs. Please see pricing details in our Tuition/Fees section.
Before School Care begins at 7:00am. Students who participate in the After School Program are included in the Before School Care Program at no additional cost.