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Summer Academy KC Summer School Program

Registration for Summer Camp & Summer Academy 2025 now open!

Summer Academy

Amplify your child’s learning at Summer Academy! Taught by the exceptional Kids Connection teachers, KC Summer School program will keep student’s skills honed during the summer months, and give them a chance to explore special topics in unique ways. This is the perfect opportunity to get a jump on the next school year with an engaging and fun curriculum that upholds Kids Connection’s standards of an extraordinary education and advanced learning.

During the program we will cover a variety of subjects, including reading and literature, math, writing, and STEAM topics.  Our integrated curriculum will be taught on level, supporting each student where needed, and offering opportunities to develop higher level thinking skills.

We will engage in hands-on learning through weekly science projects, art projects, critical thinking and interpretation, and so much more!  We are excited to inspire and motivate your child this summer as they get ready for the year ahead!

Summer Academy Details

  • Summer school is open to the public and runs during the first 4 weeks of summer on-campus!
    • 4 one-week sessions – choose 1, 2, 3 or all 4!
  • Offered to students who are rising 1st through 5th grade.
  • Half-day program from 8:30am-12:00pm, Monday through Friday.
  • Students who attend summer school can join our amazing summer camp in the afternoon for a discounted rate!
  • There is no class on June 19th or July 4th.
  • 10% sibling discount on lower camp fee registered for same week (does not apply to t-shirts or pizza lunches)
  • $25 per week discount if enrolled by April 30, 2025.

Summer Academy 2025 (June 16 – July 11, 2025)

Camp Fees

Below are the general public and KC family fees for our Summer Academy program. Please login to our camp registration website at for all registration options and actual fees.

Are you a KC Family? You receive a discount on all Summer Programming! Check out the registration portal for more details.