Kids Connection Elementary School requires all students to wear the school uniform during school days. KC uniforms may be purchased through the Tommy Hilfiger online store. On PE days, students may wear the PE uniform the entire day. Specific uniform requirements can be found in the the Kids Connection Parent Handbook (received upon enrollment) and online through the School Uniforms by Tommy Hilfiger site.
Uniform Exchange Program
The Uniform Exchange Program provides parents with an alternative to buying new uniforms every time their child grows. This parent-run operation provides a valuable service that is available to all Kids Connection families. Contact information is provided upon enrollment and in the Wednesday notices. There are two exchange sessions held per year. Families may also send an e-mail whether you have a need for one article or a full wardrobe. If your request is in stock, it will be delivered to the front office for you to pick up. The clothes are free of charge because they have been donated to the program by other KC families.
If your child has grown out of his/her uniform while it is still in good condition, please donate it to the Uniform Exchange Program.