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Every day, students should bring a small nutritious snack from home to eat during their morning recess time. This snack break is important for students to maintain their energy during the busy morning between breakfast and lunch. It is recommended that the child’s snack be packed separately from his/her lunch.


Lunch times at Kids Connection are timed in order to allow students adequate space in the lunch area and on the playground. You will learn of your child’s lunch schedule from your child’s teacher at Back to School Night. Children may bring packed lunches from home or they may enjoy our hot lunch program, or a combination of both.  Regardless of what your child is eating, we ask that no food be shared between students. Some of our students have strict dietary needs and/or food allergies – it can be very dangerous for them to unknowingly ingest a forbidden food.

Hot Lunch Program

Kids Connection offers a lunch program through Choicelunch that features a variety of hot lunches, sandwiches, and salads each day. You can also arrange for your child to just pick up cold milk. The program is managed on a monthly or even daily basis. Go through each day’s menu with your child and choose any and all hot lunches that your child would like to eat. You pay only for the meals that you order.
How to Register
Sample Menu

Nut-Free Facility

Kids Connection Elementary School is a nut-free facility. This includes peanuts, tree-nuts or any products (such as nut butters) using these products. For the safety of our students, we ask that families refrain from packing lunches or snacks with these products in them. Additionally, any snacks brought to share with the class (for birthdays, class parties, etc.) should include ingredients lists to allow teachers and staff the ability to ensure the safety of our students.


Please inform Kids Connection of any food allergies that your child may have. Allergy lists are posted in every classroom. It is the parent’s responsibility to inform the director any time that there is a change in your child’s allergies.