KC Afterschool Activities (September 30 – October 4, 2019)
KC Afterschool is more than just fun and homework! Each week students rotate through different activities that are designed to continue their academic and personal development after the traditional school day is over. These include STEAM, social-emotional growth, creativity, fitness, environmental studies and much more!
Here are some highlights of this week’s activities:
Bubble Fun (STEAM)
Students will enjoy sunshine with some bubble fun! We will make bubbles of our own, and learn why they are colored, why they are spherical, and why they pop!
Brushing Your Teeth
Students will participate in a happy teeth/sad teeth project teaching the importance of having healthy teeth. Dental hygiene is of utmost importance to good health! Students will learn about the importance of brushing and flossing which helps to reduce germs/bacteria and also prevent gum diseases and cavities.
1st-2nd Grades
Perler Beads (Creativity)
Students will explore their creativity while enhancing fine motor skills as they create their own perler bead masterpieces!
Relay Fitness (Fitness)
Physical fitness is an important part of any child’s development! It’s important to incorporate exercise into daily routines in order to stay healthy. Students will be participating in a relay race with exercises at different stations (which they can also try at home!)
3rd-5th Grades
Name-It Ball (Fitness)
The students will be participating in a fun game of Name-It ball where they will complete fun physical challenges, show their creativity, and develop their social skills.
Four Square Techniques (Fitness)
Students will learn how to play Four Square, techniques and strategies, and the primary muscles used for the game. They will practice and apply these techniques as well as learn proper warm ups and stretches to prepare for the game and prevent injury.