Children attending Kids Connection full and part-time bring their lunches and eat in the classrooms with their teachers.
Parents are encouraged to provide well-balanced meals with nourishing foods. Do not send candy, nuts or nut products, soft drinks, or glass containers in your child’s lunch. Do not pack foods that your child does not eat normally at home, and do not over pack your child’s lunch box. Provide an ice pack for cold foods that need refrigeration. We do not heat or refrigerate lunches at school.
Kids Connection provides a nutritious morning snack to all students and a nutritious afternoon snack for full-time students. At times, the children will have the opportunity to prepare special foods at school or to bring special items to school for a snack as part of the curriculum activity.
Hot Lunch Program
A hot lunch option is also available for purchase through Choicelunch. It is a simple online ordering system and mobile app just for schools that offers flexibility and choices for different tastes and nutritional needs.
How to Register
Sample Menu
Nut-Free Facility
Kids Connection Preschool is a nut-free facility. This includes peanuts, tree-nuts or any products (such as nut butters) using these products. For the safety of our students, we ask that families refrain from packing lunches or snacks with these products in them. Additionally, any snacks brought to share with the class (for birthdays, class parties, etc.) should include ingredients lists to allow teachers and staff the ability to ensure the safety of our students.
Please inform Kids Connection of any food allergies that your child may have. Allergy lists are posted in every classroom. It is the parent’s responsibility to inform the director any time that there is a change in your child’s allergies.